Yesterday Deepika Padukone met the legendary actor Shammi Kapoor at his residence. Deepika reached the veteran actor’s Walkeshwar house in the evening and spent more than two hours with him and his family. The pretty actress was thrilled as she also had dinner with Shammi Kapoor.
Incidentally, the legendary actor had been praising Deepika for a long time on a micro-blogging site and had also expressed his desire to meet her. Deepika had responded by promising him to promptly meet him.
A close friend of Deepika said,
“Shammi Kapoor and Deepika had a long conversation. Shammi loved her performance in Om Shanti Om and Love Aaj Kal. Deepika was flattered when he told her that she is one of the finest actresses and that he is her ardent fan. Deepika told Shammiji that his compliments mean the world to her and she considers it as one of the best days in her life. They also had a long conversation about his experiences and the Hindi film industry. Shammiji advised her on several matters and also discussed several of his hit films. Deepika, who has also seen most of his films, was particularly excited about discussing his trademark dancing style.”
Deepika was reluctant to speak about the meeting and said,
Deepika was reluctant to speak about the meeting and said,
“I don’t want to discuss our conversation as it is personal and I would like to keep it that way.”
On being probed further, she said, “It was fun and I had a great evening. He took good care of me and we chatted over coffee and some good food.”
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