Bollywood films are going through a drastic change these days, as the censor board is showing signs of being too liberal towards certain scenes. As a result, the movies are being highlighted for the use of abusive languages. “ Jab we met” witnessed the use of the abusive language with the word “ teri Maa Ki”. Then came in kaminey and now the trend has changed a bit as the abusive languages are being used in songs, rather than scenes.
Akshay Kumar’s Khatta Meeta has a song of “ Bull Shit” which is teaser of the resent political scenario and a government and its corruption. The words like Kutte, Kaminey and Haramzade are now a passé as the new abusive language like Bull shit, FCUK, Maa Ki, behan Ki, have become the latest trend.
Indian censor board has gone blind these days and so the film makers are liberally using these words as the latest funda to attract the young generation.
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